Hut at the entrance of Hell Valley.
It will take you about an hour to hike up to the Höllentaleingangshütte from either Hammersbach or Obergrainau. The hut belongs to the Alpenverein Garmisch-Partenkirchen and is situated at an elevation of 1045m. In the small restaurant (open 11:00 am to 3:30 pm) and on the terrace, the landlords Melanie and Christian Schweiger will welcome you with homemade cakes and local specialties.
As the name suggests, the hut is located directly at the lower entrance to the impressive Höllental gorge. Just behind it, there is small museum telling the history of the gorge, which is included in the Höllental entry fee.
Contact & Location
DAV Sektion Garmisch-Partenkirchen
DAV Sektion Garmisch-PartenkirchenIm Höllental82491 Grainauphone: +49 8821 / 8895E-Mail: hoellentaleingangshuette@gmx.deWeb: https://www.alpenverein-gapa.de